Настроить диспетчерскую

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You have a pizzeria chain Pizza&Pasta. In order do not have several establishments with the same name in the mobile application, you can connect a dispatching - all delivery orders will come to one establishment.

The dispatcher will process the order, edit it or contact the client, if necessary, and send it to one of the establishments. For example, in a pizzeria that is closer to the client.

Access rights

To set up the dispatching, you need the right to "Write" in the "Settings" section.

1. On the "Settings" tab, select "Dispatching".

2. Click "Enable dispatching".

3. Add establishments, to which you can send orders: click "Add" and select a restaurant from the list.

4. Click "Settings" to set the color for each order status - you can keep track orders in the monitoring window.

The dispatching is on and set up, and in the connected restaurants is displayed a message to which dispatching they are connected.

Now it is necessary in all establishments where it is planned to send orders, to set up the dispatching menu - a general list of dishes.

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