Добавить описание ресторана

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The average bill, working hours and delivery times, presence of Wi-Fi and a playground – an accurate and correct description of your establishment will attract new guests. By using the categories you can specify the features of the establishment or what national cuisine is presented in the restaurant.

Please note that this description will be available to clients in the Jowi Club mobile application. You can also add the logo of your establishment.

Access rights

To edit information about a restaurant, you need the right "Write" in the "Mobile" section.

On the "Mobile menu" tab, select "Restaurant description".

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Indicate Working Hours

What time the establishment closes, what days it doesn’t work, until what time it is possible to order delivery – click on "Working Mode" to add this information.

In the window that opens, indicate the restaurant’s working hours, the ability to place an order or reserve a table online. Put the "Day off" flag if your establishment doesn’t work on some day. After setting, click "Save".

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Change Restaurant Description

To change the basic information about the establishment, click "Edit".

1. Indicate the type of establishment: karaoke bar, vegetarian cafe, kebab house and so on.

2. Point out with flags additional options: the presence of a summer terrace, playground, and more.

3. Indicate payment information: currency, average bill and the ability to pay with plastic cards.

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4. On the map, point the location of the restaurant.

5. Add contact details: social network address, website, phone number.

6. Indicate the country and city, the address of the restaurant.

Attention! Country and city affect to display of your establishment in the Jowi Club app.

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Save the changes. After that, the information will be moderated by the technical support service. Checking takes no more than 10 minutes, after your establishment will appear in the general list.

Indicate Category

The category of the establishment allows to underline the peculiarity of the establishment, for example, its cuisine: asian, italian, french or chinese. Categories are displayed in the Jowi Club mobile application, and clients can choose a restaurant according to their preferences.

To specify a category, click "Restaraun categories". Select the ones you need from the list and click "Save".

Attention! You can select an unlimited number of categories. If there is no suitable one, contact technical support to add a new one.

After selecting categories, the restaurant does not pass moderation – they will immediately be displayed in the Jowi Club mobile application.

Add Restaurant Logo

To highlight your restaurant and underline its peculiarity, add a logo – it will be displayed in the Jowi Club mobile application.

1. Download the image at the bottom of the page.

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2. Select a display area, specify a name and description for the image. Save the changes.

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3. Click right mouse button on the image to open the context menu. Select "Use as logo".

The logo will be displayed in the list of restaurants in the mobile application. You can change it at any time.

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