Внесение и изъятие разменного фонда
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At the end of the shift, the exchange fund is withdrawn from the cash desk. After opening of the cash shift you necessary deposit change fund into the cash till – cash for change.
Attention! The function is available only when a fiscal printer is connected.
Access rights
For the deposit and withdrawal of exchange fund needs the right “Expenses / Income”.
Deposit of exchange fund
1. On the main screen in the bottom menu, choose "Expenses and Income".
2. In the bottom menu click "Deposit / Withdraw".
3. In the block "Cash shift":
- choose a cash shift into which the exchange fund is deposited;
- enter the amount of funds deposited;
- add a description, for example, "For exchange".
4. Click "+ Income", put money in cash.
Making a change fund will be displayed in the block "Recent operations".
Withdrawal of exchange fund
1. Go to the section "Expenses and incomes". In the bottom menu click "Deposit / Withdraw".
2. In the block "Cash shift":
- choose a cash shift;
- entered the amount of money withdrawal;
- add a description, for example, "Withdrawal of the exchange fund".
3. Click "-Expenses".
The withdrawal of the exchange fund will be displayed in the block "Recent operations".