Настройка фискального принтера
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Fiscal registrars are set up in the local module.
In Uzbekistan, are used fiscal modules instead of fiscal printers.
Access rights
To setup, you need the rights to edit printers and settings.
1. Connect the fiscal printer to the computer. Go into the program, select "Settings" in the top menu.
2. Click "Printers" to move to the setup of fiscal printers.
3. In the “Printers” column, click "Add printer".
4. In the window that opens, select the printer model that you are using. Point out its settings:
- printer name – by this name the printer will be displayed in the list of devices;
- COM port – select the port through which the printer is connected to the computer;
- speed – select the speed of printing checks.
5. The printer appeared in the list of devices in the "Fiscal printers" section.
6. Select "Bill printing", and then the fiscal printer.
7. In the right column in the "Size" field, specify the width of the check tape (we recommend to put "Auto").
8. Click "Test print" in the lower menu to print a test check and make sure that the printer is working correctly.
9. Click "Save". The fiscal printer is set up and ready to work.