Оплатить заказ доставки
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Before you give the order to the courier, ring up the cashier's check. The courier will give it along with the dishes and take payment from the client.
Attention! If the client decided to take the order on his own, an order must be issued before payment
Access rights
To pay for an order, you need the rights to create and edit orders, view and pay bills.
1. Open the delivery menu by clicking "Delivery" on the main screen.
2. Set the filter "Send", to see the orders ready for delivery.
3. Select an order from the list and click "To pay" in the lower menu.
4. Specify the type of payment. If it is a regular client, choose whether to accrue accumulations or not.
5. Click "To pay" – a cash check will print.
Pass the check to the courier along with the order or give it to the client if he came to take it himself.