
Оформить перемещение

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Movement is a document that records the movement of ingredients from one warehouse to another.

For example, you can make the displacement of ingredients from one warehouse to another, so as not to create new invoices.

Access rights

To fill displacement, you need the right to "Write" in the "Invoice" section.

1. On the "Invoice" tab, select "Displacement", and click "Add".

2. Fill out the document:

  • date and number are set automatically;
  • indicate from which and to which warehouse the ingredients are displaced;
  • additionally indicate the invoice group and description.

3. Select whether the active document (goods will be written off after saving) or draft.

4. Indicate what to write off – ingredients or already prepared dishes.

5. Point the ingredients that are being displaced to another warehouse, and click arrow.

6. Indicate the amount of ingredients and click "Calculate".

7. In the "Displacement calculation" field, Jowi will display the remaining ingredients in the warehouse after the displacement.

8. Save the document – click "Create".

Movement is filled: the ingredients are written off from one warehouse, and added to another.

By link reference "Details" in the general list of documents you can find out which ingredients have been displaced.

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