Оформить расход и приход (терминал)

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Cash receipts to the cashier or their withdrawal to the cashier must be recorded. For this, cashier must issue an income or expense at the terminal.

Access rights

For issue with incomes and expenses at the checkout, the cashier needs the right “Expenses / Incomes”.

1. On the main screen in the bottom menu, choose "Expenses and Income".
2. Fill in the fields:

  • select a cashier that participates in the turnover;
  • enter the date and indicate the group to which the transaction belongs;
  • add a description of the operation;
  • choose a payment method and specify the amount.

3. Click "- Expenses", if money is withdrawn from the cash shift , and "+ Income", if money entered the cash shift.

The operation is completed – the transaction is displayed in the list of recent operations on the terminal and in the list of transactions in the web panel.

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